Send a Thoughtful Gift to Commemorate Memorial Day
This 3-Day weekend seems like the first break in a while! Memorial day is important during this difficult time, especially because this is a chance for us to count our blessings and bring us all together - 6 feet apart of course.
It’s about commemorating your loved ones who have served/are serving our country. It’s hard to have get-togethers, but we have thoughtful gifts to send along with homemade thinking-of-you gift baskets to those who have altruistically given up some of their freedoms so we can have ours.
As with every occasion, we like to celebrate with cookies…
Cookie Shots that is!
We have an assortment of flavors that include Chocolate Chip, Cookies n Cream, and Red Velvet - that proudly wear the red, white and blue.
Have you seen the video of the 97 year old WWII Veteran dancing in his front yard?? Oh my gosh, if you haven’t - here’s the link.
Honestly so wholesome and just lovely to see someone who has gone through so much in their life but who still has a happy and young heart.
We want all of our vets to be on his level!
Which is why - if you haven’t yet - pass on that feeling of gratitude by sending in the mail or get delivered a Cookie Shot that will show them how much you appreciate all their sacrifices.
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P.S You can get 15% off your order if you do 😘